Elexon BMRS - Elexon Insights (IRIS) equivalentA quick guide for converting from BMRS to Insights/IRIS. Suggest Edits BMRS endpointInsights endpointNotesDetailed System PriceDetailed System Price (ISPSTACK)System ImbalanceSystem Price and NIV (DISEBSP) Under netImbalanceVolumeSystem PriceSystem Price and NIV (DISEBSP) systemSellPrice and systemBuyPrice are always the same and are equivalent to system price.Volume Split-There is no Insights equivalent for this data, but we're working on creating our own.BOALFBid Offer Acceptance Level FlaggedBid offer data (BMRS) Bid Offer DataFPNPhysical NotificationsMELMaximum Export LimitMILMaximum Import LimitQPNQuiescent Physical NotificationsSystem DemandInitial Demand Outturn dataFrequency DataSystem FrequencyGeneration Forecast Renewables Wind and Solar Generation Forecast - Day-Ahead (DGWS)Generation by Fuel TypeHalf-hourly generation outturn by fuel typeInterconnectorsHalf-hourly generation outturn by fuel typeThis Insights endpoint isn't strictly equivalent, but will give data for every interconnector every half-hour, so interconnector information can be found from this dataset.Loss Load ProbabilityLoss of Load Probability and De-rated Mergin (LOLPDRM)Bidding Zone Load ForecastTotal Load Forecast per Bidding ZoneUpdated 9 months ago