EPEX Live Continuous Data Information

Usage documentation

EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Contract Info Report

How to query the endpoint

Required fields

date_fromStart date time for the request, by start time of delivery - dlvryStart.yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdatetime
date_toEnd date time for the request, by start time of delivery - dlvryStart.yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdatetime

Optional fields specific to the dataset

contract_idThe identifier of the contract being traded.integer

Example call URL

url = "https://api.modoenergy.com/pub/v1/gb/epex/intra-day/contract-report?date_from=2024-01-30T00%3A00%3A00&date_to=2024-01-30T02%3A00%3A00&contract_id=13572717"

Data details

Column nameData typeUnitFormatSample dataLong name/Description
contractIdinteger1723395Identifier of the contract, or what product is being traded.
prodstringGB_Hour_PowerThe type of product traded.
namestring1H231127-12The exact name of the product. In the example data, this is the name of the 1 hour product for the 12th hour of the 27th of November, 2023.
dlvryStartdatetimeYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2023-11-27T12:00:00Start time of the delivery period in UTC.
dlvryEnddatetimeYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2023-11-27T13:00:00End time of the delivery period in UTC.
statestringACTIThe current state of the contract / contract-delivery area
combination. Valid values:

ACTI: Active: the contract is active and available for trading.
STBY: Stand by: The contract is waiting on external event to
become available for trading.
HIBE: Hibernate: The contract was manually deactivated by
market operations.
IACT: Inactive: The contract is inactive and not available for
durationfloat0.5The duration (in hours) of delivery.
delUnitsfloat0.5Delivery units - in MWh.
DlvryAreaStatestring"{'dlvryAreaId': '10YGB----------A', 'state': 'ACTI', 'tradingPhase': 'CLSD', 'tradingPhaseStart': '2024-01-30T11:45:00.000Z'}"Further information about the contract.
longNamestring20230925 11:30-20230925 12:00Long name of the trade.
predefinedboolTRUE/FALSETRUEA flag that indicates if a contract has been automatically created by
the backend system, or if the contract was generated via the entry of a user-defined block order.
revisionNointeger2Increases by 1 every time the contract is modified.
tradingPhasestringCONTSpecifies the contract phase:

CONT: Continuous Trading
BALA: Balancing Phase
AUCT: Auction Phase
CLSD: Closed Phase. Trading is not possible during this phase.
SDAT: Same Delivery Area Trading Phase
actPointdatetime2023-11-27T12:00:00Start of delivery period in European time.
expPointdatetime2023-11-27T12:00:00End of delivery period in European time.

EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Public Trade Confirmation Report

How to query the endpoint

Required fields

date_fromStart date time for the request, by trade execution time - tradeExecTime.yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdatetime
date_toEnd date time for the request, by trade execution time - tradeExecTime.yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdatetime

Optional fields specific to the dataset

contract_idThe identifier of the contract being traded.integer
trade_idUnique ID for each individual trade that goes through the exchange.integer

Example call URL

url = "https://api.modoenergy.com/pub/v1/gb/epex/intra-day/trade-report?date_from=2024-01-30T00%3A00%3A00&date_to=2024-01-30T02%3A00%3A00&contract_id=13572764&trade_id=1595171505"

Data details

Column nameData typeUnitFormatSample dataLong name/Description
tradeIdinteger122677792Identifier of the trade
statestringACTICurrent state of the trade. Valid values from EPEX:

CNCL: The trade was cancelled by market operations.
RREJ: The requested Recall was rejected by market operations.
RGRA: The requested Recall was granted by market operations.
RREQ: The recall of this trade was requested.
ACTI: The trade is active (this is the default value).
CREQ: The cancellation was requested from local market operations.
CREJ: The cancellation was rejected by global market operations.
RSFA: The request has been sent for approval to SOB (XBID)
qtyintegerkW8000The traded quantity.
pxintegerGB pence6001The execution price.
tradeExecTimedatetimeYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm2024-01-17T10:59:58(+00:00)The trade execution time.
buyDlvryAreaIdstring10YGB----------ADelivery area of the buy side. For these EPEX datasets, in GB.
sellDlvryAreaIdstring10YGB----------ADelivery area of the sell side. For these EPEX datasets, in GB.
selfTradestringTRUE/FALSETRUEIndicates whether the trade was done as a self trade (inside one balancing group or between two balancing groups within one member) or not.
revisionNointeger2Increases by 1 every time the trade is modified.

EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Detailed Trades

How to query the endpoint

Required fields

date_fromStart date time for the request, by trade execution time - tradeExecTime.yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdatetime
date_toEnd date time for the request, by trade execution time - tradeExecTime.yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdatetime

Optional fields specific to the dataset


Example call URL

url = "https://api.modoenergy.com/pub/v1/gb/epex/intra-day/detailed-trades?date_from=2024-01-30T00%3A00%3A00&date_to=2024-01-30T02%3A00%3A00"

Data details

Column nameData typeUnitFormatSample dataLong name/Description
tradeIdinteger122677792Identifier of the trade
statestringACTICurrent state of the trade. Valid values from EPEX:

CNCL: The trade was cancelled by market operations.
RREJ: The requested Recall was rejected by market operations.
RGRA: The requested Recall was granted by market operations.
RREQ: The recall of this trade was requested.
ACTI: The trade is active (this is the default value).
CREQ: The cancellation was requested from local market operations.
CREJ: The cancellation was rejected by global market operations.
RSFA: The request has been sent for approval to SOB (XBID)
contractIDinteger1723395Identifier of the contract, or what product is being traded.
volumeMWintegerMW8000The amount of energy traded.
priceintegerGBP6001The execution price.
prodstringGB_Hour_PowerThe type of product traded.
namestring1H231127-12The exact name of the product. In the example data, this is the name of the 1 hour product for the 12th hour of the 27th of November, 2023.
dlvryStartdatetimeYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2023-11-27 12:00:00Start time of the delivery period in UTC.
dlvryEnddatetimeYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2023-11-27 13:00:00End time of the delivery period in UTC.
durationfloat0.5The duration (in hours) of delivery.
tradeExecTimedatetimeYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2024-01-17T10:59:58The trade execution time in UTC.
buyDlvryAreaIdstring10YGB----------ADelivery area of the buy side. For these EPEX datasets, in GB.
sellDlvryAreaIdstring10YGB----------ADelivery area of the sell side. For these EPEX datasets, in GB.
selfTradeboolTRUE/FALSETRUEIndicates whether the trade was done as a self trade (inside one balancing group or between two balancing groups within one member) or not.
tradeRevisionNoint1The number of times this trade has been revised.

EPEX Live Continuous Intraday OHLC

How to query the endpoint

Required fields

date_fromStart date for the request, by start time of delivery - start_time.yyyy-mm-dddatetime.date
date_toEnd date time for the request, by start time of delivery - start_time.yyyy-mm-dddatetime.date

Optional fields specific to the dataset


Example call URL

url = "https://api.modoenergy.com/pub/v1/gb/epex/intra-day/ohlc?date_from=2024-01-30&date_to=2024-01-30"

Column nameData typeUnitFormatSample dataLong name/Description
settlement_datedatetime.dateyyyy-mm-dd2024-01-30Delivery date.
settlement_periodinteger3Delivery settlement period.
start_timedatetimeyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss2024-01-30T11:30:00Start time of the specific settlement period, in UTC.
openfloatGBP per MWh83.8The price of the first trade for the settlement period.

If the settlement period is ongoing, this value changes live with new trades coming in.
closefloatGBP per MWh83.0The price of the most recent trade for the settlement period.

If the settlement period is ongoing, this value changes live with new trades coming in.
lowfloatGBP per MWh79.3The lowest price traded for that settlement period.

If the settlement period is ongoing, this value changes live with new trades coming in.
highfloatGBP per MWh86.3The highest price traded for that settlement period.

If the settlement period is ongoing, this value changes live with new trades coming in.
price_unitstringGBP per MWhUnits of price for the price columns.

EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Reference Price

How to query the endpoint

Required fields

date_fromStart date for the request, by start time of delivery - start_time.yyyy-mm-dddatetime.date
date_toEnd date time for the request, by start time of delivery - start_time.yyyy-mm-dddatetime.date

Optional fields specific to the dataset


Example call URL

url = "https://api.modoenergy.com/pub/v1/gb/epex/intra-day/rpd?date_from=2024-01-30&date_to=2024-01-30"

Data details

Column nameData typeUnitFormatSample dataLong name/Description
settlement_datedatetime.dateyyyy-mm-dd2024-01-30Delivery date.
settlement_periodinteger3Delivery settlement period.
start_timedatetimeyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss2024-01-30T11:30:00Start time of the specific settlement period, in UTC.
rpdfloatGBP per MWh71.75RPD (reference price) index for all trades up to and including 4 hours in duration (volume weighted) in the EPEX Continuous Intra day market (GB) for each half-hour settlement period.

If the settlement period is ongoing, this value changes live with new trades coming in.
volumefloatMWh102.8The volume traded in the EPEX Continuous Intraday market for that specific settlement period.

If the settlement period is ongoing, this value changes live with new trades coming in.
price_unitstringGBP per MWhUnits of price for the price columns.
volume_unitstringMWhUnits of volume used.

EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Reference Price HH

How to query the endpoint

Required fields

date_fromStart date for the request, by start time of delivery - start_time.yyyy-mm-dddatetime.date
date_toEnd date time for the request, by start time of delivery - start_time.yyyy-mm-dddatetime.date

Optional fields specific to the dataset


Example call URL

url = "https://api.modoenergy.com/pub/v1/gb/epex/intra-day/rpd-hh?date_from=2024-01-30&date_to=2024-01-30"

Data details

Column nameData typeUnitFormatSample dataLong name/Description
settlement_datedatetime.dateyyyy-mm-dd2024-01-30Delivery date.
settlement_periodinteger3Delivery settlement period.
start_timedatetimeyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss2024-01-30T11:30:00Start time of the specific settlement period, in UTC.
rpdfloatGBP per MWh71.75Reference price (RPD) index for trades of half-hour duration in the EPEX Continuous Intraday market (GB), for each half-hour settlement period.

If the settlement period is ongoing, this value changes live with new trades coming in.
volumefloatMWh102.8The volume of half-hour products traded in the EPEX Continuous Intraday market for that specific settlement period.
price_unitstringGBP per MWhUnits of price for the price columns.
volume_unitstringMWhUnits of volume used.

EPEX Live Continuous Order Book

How to query the endpoint

Required fields

date_fromStart date time for the request, by start time of delivery - dlvryStart.yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdatetime
date_toEnd date time for the request, by start time of delivery - dlvryStart.yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdatetime

Optional fields specific to the dataset

contract_idThe identifier of the contract being traded.integer
order_typeIf you want to look at only buy or sell orders."buy" or "sell"string

Example call URL

url = "https://api.modoenergy.com/pub/v1/gb/epex/intra-day/order-book?date_from=2024-05-20T00%3A00%3A00&date_to=2024-05-20T01%3A00%3A00&contract_id=13690068&order_type=buy"

Data details

Column nameData typeUnitFormatSample dataLong name/Description
contractIdinteger1723395Identifier of the contract, or what product is being traded. This can also be found matched to the traded contract in the Contract Info Report endpoint.
orderIdinteger17184744497The identifier for the particular buy or sell order.
orderTypestringbuy/sellbuyWhether the order is a buy or sell order.
prodstringGB_Hour_PowerThe type of product traded.
namestring1H231127-12The exact name of the product. In the example data, this is the name of the 1 hour product for the 12th hour of the 27th of November, 2023.
dlvryStartdatetimeYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2023-11-27T12:00:00Start time of the delivery period in UTC.
dlvryEnddatetimeYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2023-11-27T13:00:00End time of the delivery period in UTC.
durationfloat0.5The duration (in hours) of delivery.
volumeMWfloat0.7The volume, in MW, of the order.
pricefloatGBP/MWh53.83The price limit in GBP per MWh of the order.
orderEntryTimedatetime2024-05-13T00:48:23The time the order was entered into the order book for the first time.
orderUpdateTimedatetime2024-05-13T00:52:01The time at which the order was last updated.
allOrNothingbooleantrue/falsefalseWhether it is required that the order is bought or sold all at once.