

We've extended our historical data for our Elexon Insights, to ensure that we've got historical parity with our Elexon BMRS endpoints. This is so that we're ready for BMRS being commissioned during late April 2024.

Our Elexon Insights Settlement Endpoints - System Price and NIV (DISEBSP) and Detailed System Price (ISPSTACK) , which do not have historical data at source, have had their historical data mapped backwards to the start of 2020 from equivalent BMRS datasets.

Our Asset Operations and Monthly Leaderboard have both had a br column added, to reflect the new Balancing Reserve results.



Balancing Reserve

We've got new National Grid Balancing Reserve datasets live on our API. Check out:


We've separated out our Elexon section into the two Elexon data sources we pull from, BMRS and Insights. This is to prepare for the retirement of BMRS in April 2024. We will pull BMRS data until then.


We've got two new exciting endpoints for ERCOT.



We've added some datasets from Elexon Insights:

  • Total Load Forecast per Bidding Zone - Day-Ahead (DATL)
  • Wind and Solar Generation Forecast - Day-Ahead (DGWS)
  • BMU IDs and Fuel Types
  • Loss of Load Probability and De-rated Margin (LOLPDRM)
  • System Warnings (SYSWARN)
  • Detailed System Price (ISPSTACK)
  • System Price and NIV (DISEBSP)

This completes our transition from the Elexon BMRS service, which is to be decommissioned in April 2024, to the Elexon Insights service. Have a look, and let us know what else you think should be added!



We've completed our set of EPEX data with one final dataset:

This is the historical data for the EPEX intraday reference price, released by EPEX at the end of the day.

We've also added our 4 EPEX Auction endpoints (DA hourly, DA half-hourly, IDA1 and IDA2) to data downloads.

Monthly Leaderboard - column rename

We've renamed the column rated_power_mv to rated_power_mw in the Monthly Leaderboard dataset.

We've tidied up the place

We've put some of our endpoints into subfolders and given some a rename.

  • Our EPEX Live endpoints are in their own subfolder within EPEX.
  • To prepare for Elexon's BMRS data service being replaced by Elexon Insights, the Elexon BMRS data has been separated into its own subfolder. All the other Elexon Insights endpoints have been separated into Dynamic BM, Physical BM, Forecasts, and System as well.
  • Our ERCOT datasets have been rearranged into sub-folders (DAM, RTM, SASM and System) and they have been renamed.

We made this change to make it as easy to find the data you need as possible. Any questions? Click the question mark in the bottom right to get chatting to us.

1.13 - EPEX Live!

by Samira Kelly



We've released our brand new set of EPEX data.


We're now using live data from the EPEX M7 to produce real-time indices for the GB intraday continuous electricity market.

We are collecting improved versions of:

  • EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Contract Info Report
  • EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Public Trade Confirmation Report

Directly from EPEX, which are combined into:

  • EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Detailed Trades

This is then used to calculate our live indices, which updates as every trade is made. This includes:

Reference Prices for each period:

  • EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Reference Price
  • EPEX Live Continuous Intraday Reference Price HH

Open High Low Close data for each period:

  • EPEX Live Continuous Intraday OHLC

FTP formats

We've made further improvements to the format of our EPEX day-ahead and intraday auction endpoints (DA and IDA, respectively). This change affects:

  • EPEX Day-Ahead Half-Hourly
  • EPEX Day-Ahead Hourly
  • EPEX IDA1 results (title changed from "EPEX ID D1")
  • EPEX IDA2 results (title changed from "EPEX ID D")

The change consists of:

  • Reformatting the data into a non-nested format, as a time series, to make it easier to use.
  • Handling daylight savings hours by converting into UTC rather than local time.
  • Adding unit columns.
  • Making column names consistent with our N2EX endpoints so you can easily compare all wholesale data.

Check out our set of new and improved endpoints for EPEX, and let us know what you think!

Other changes

We've fixed the ERCOT RTM - Historical energy prices endpoint which now should have a full set of data.

The Generation by Fuel Type (Elexon) endpoint has been renamed from Frequency Generation type.


We've updated our EPEX data to be more user friendly, and introduced Benchmarking Pro USA!

EPEX Updates

We've updated the formats and titles of EPEX's day-ahead and intraday auctions (DA and IDA, respectively). It's now in a simpler time-series format. The relevant datasets are:

  • EPEX Day-Ahead Half-Hourly
  • EPEX Day-Ahead Hourly
  • EPEX IDA1 results (title changed from "EPEX ID D1")
  • EPEX IDA2 results (title changed from "EPEX ID D")

The intraday auction endpoints also now have clearer descriptions, and we've cleared some bugs with our day-ahead data to ensure we get the results for the next day as quickly as possible. Check them out, and let us know what you think!

Benchmarking Pro USA

This new subscription is for the Modo Energy datasets in the US section of our API.


Modo Energy's live calculations of BM data released, Modo Energy's Benchmarking datasets renamed, and pagination limit increased to 10,000.

New data

Modo Energy's live BM data released (as seen on our Market Screens :

  • Live NIV
  • Live System Price
  • Live Detailed System Price


  • Renamed Modo Energy's Benchmarking datasets (a key change is leaderboard is now referred to as index breakdown):

    This will not have an effect on API calls.


    Former TitleNew Title
    Live Modo Daily GB BESS IndexDaily BESS Index
    Live Asset OperationsAsset Operations
    Live Asset LeaderboardIndex Breakdown
    Live Modo Monthly GB BESS IndexMonthly BESS Index


    Former TitleNew Title
    ERCOT battery physical operations and availabilityBESS Physical Operations and Availability
    ERCOT battery indexBESS Index
    ERCOT leaderboardBESS Index Breakdown
  • Increased the Pagination limit to 10,000 - instead of calling 1,000 rows at a time by default, it is now set to 10,000 rows. This will cut down the time it takes to get your data.

  • Changed Interconnectors Upcoming Trades dataset title to just Upcoming Trades.



  • Bug fix to timestamps on BMRS endpoints (they were 30 minutes delayed)

Breaking change to 6 URLs:

1.9 - ERCOT updates

by Robyn Lucas


  • We completed adding all datasets to the ERCOT endpoints, which means we now have a grand total of 44 datasets!
  • This is all we are planning on adding for now, but will continue to add more historic data into those endpoints where we can get it from ERCOT. Historic data generally goes back to 2011 for most endpoints.
  • There was a bug in the benchmark API where it wasn't showing certain calendar months. That's all fixed now.


  • Users can now download the full GB asset database in all its date and ID-heavy glory
  • Minor changes to the improve we deal with the extra hour at clock change; winter is coming!