1.11 - BM data, Pagination, Benchmarking renames


Modo Energy's live calculations of BM data released, Modo Energy's Benchmarking datasets renamed, and pagination limit increased to 10,000.

New data

Modo Energy's live BM data released (as seen on our Market Screens :

  • Live NIV
  • Live System Price
  • Live Detailed System Price


  • Renamed Modo Energy's Benchmarking datasets (a key change is leaderboard is now referred to as index breakdown):

    This will not have an effect on API calls.


    Former TitleNew Title
    Live Modo Daily GB BESS IndexDaily BESS Index
    Live Asset OperationsAsset Operations
    Live Asset LeaderboardIndex Breakdown
    Live Modo Monthly GB BESS IndexMonthly BESS Index


    Former TitleNew Title
    ERCOT battery physical operations and availabilityBESS Physical Operations and Availability
    ERCOT battery indexBESS Index
    ERCOT leaderboardBESS Index Breakdown
  • Increased the Pagination limit to 10,000 - instead of calling 1,000 rows at a time by default, it is now set to 10,000 rows. This will cut down the time it takes to get your data.

  • Changed Interconnectors Upcoming Trades dataset title to just Upcoming Trades.