v1.21 - Timezones and CAISO and EPEX - oh my!
10 months ago by Samira Kelly
We now have the EPEX Live Continuous Order Book endpoint live on our API.
We're filling up our suite of CAISO datasets. This release we have:
- Ancillary Services Prices for both the Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Market.
- The Energy Storage Report - information about grid scale batteries and how they perform in the CAISO markets. We're really excited about this one.
We've started the rollout of our timezones functionality with our ERCOT datasets. Any dataset in ERCOT with datetime values (i.e. "2024-04-18T12:36:17") has now got timezone information attached to it (i.e. "2024-04-18T12:36:17+01:00" for me in London right now).
It has a super handy functionality on the reference page with an optional dropdown menu, so you can choose what timezone to query and receive data in. If you don't select one, you will automatically receive data in UTC.

Example of the new timezone parameter.
Check out an example endpoint to get started.